Truth ... Lies and PR Part II or Wal-Mart Sux
Wal-Mart Sucks.
That's not my opinion, but that is the opinion of at least 220,000 web page hits from a google search.
it's been many years since I've been to a Wal-mart or even been near one. I don't like big box stores in general, except Target, I do like their branding. But back to today's news on Wal-mart.
The world's largest retailer took the "PR offensive" today with ads in leading news papers defending itself from its many critics.,2933,144258,00.html
The ad, which ran in papers such as USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, says the company plans to create 100,000 U.S. jobs in 2005 and that 74 percent of its hourly employees work full-time. It also touts the fact that the average wage for its full-time hourly employees is nearly twice the federal minimum wage.
For too long, others have had free rein to say things about our company that just aren't true," Chief Executive Lee Scott (search) said in a statement. "We've decided it's time to draw our own line in the sand."
Perception = reality, expect on reality TV. But in the PR world at least that equation holds true.
AJR's Spin: Even if Wal-mart was a Fortune 100 best company to work for they would still have their critics due to their size -- look at Microsoft.
Kudos to Wal-mart's CEO for rolling up the sleeves and fighting to get their message heard above the din of their many critics, and for spending the ad dollars to do it, because they just would not get the media attention from a release or a news conference. At least now the media are forced to repeat their key messages as their ad is the message. you can't buy that media .. oops, they did.
That's not my opinion, but that is the opinion of at least 220,000 web page hits from a google search.
it's been many years since I've been to a Wal-mart or even been near one. I don't like big box stores in general, except Target, I do like their branding. But back to today's news on Wal-mart.
The world's largest retailer took the "PR offensive" today with ads in leading news papers defending itself from its many critics.,2933,144258,00.html
The ad, which ran in papers such as USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, says the company plans to create 100,000 U.S. jobs in 2005 and that 74 percent of its hourly employees work full-time. It also touts the fact that the average wage for its full-time hourly employees is nearly twice the federal minimum wage.
For too long, others have had free rein to say things about our company that just aren't true," Chief Executive Lee Scott (search) said in a statement. "We've decided it's time to draw our own line in the sand."
Perception = reality, expect on reality TV. But in the PR world at least that equation holds true.
AJR's Spin: Even if Wal-mart was a Fortune 100 best company to work for they would still have their critics due to their size -- look at Microsoft.
Kudos to Wal-mart's CEO for rolling up the sleeves and fighting to get their message heard above the din of their many critics, and for spending the ad dollars to do it, because they just would not get the media attention from a release or a news conference. At least now the media are forced to repeat their key messages as their ad is the message. you can't buy that media .. oops, they did.
At January 13, 2005 at 8:06 PM,
Jeremy said…
What I love about the Website is the lack of real information. It's fluff.
I know it sounds trite, but why not set up a blog? Why not have a true dialogue with customers?
At June 30, 2021 at 4:09 AM,
Usman Awais said…
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